Tuesday, June 27, 2006

This just in.

Team Malaysia reaches all time statistic high.

Reader turnout peaks at 122.22%.

Just as my teammates were winding down for the evening, two of our lovely readers who were on the waiting list showed up. There had been some miscommunication. They had been expecting a call this week to inform them of their reading time, instead of next week.

Mer and Brad gamely jumped into action. Having two empty spots at eight o'clock, they whisked the girls in and had a lively conversation hour with the two of them. As our recorder, Eric did the math and concluded that adding in two people where there were none results in us having 122.22% of our readers come to the sessions.

It just goes to show that you never know when a miscommunication can spike your stats.


At 12:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you do realize that 122% attendance is totally ROCKIN'! You guys sound like you're doing wonderfully! Keep up the good work. We're praying for you <3

At 8:58 AM, Blogger crittermer said...

Haha, indeed the Malaysians are very true to their word. Everybody who has signed up has shown up, which is awesome. Now in order for us to keep our stats above 100%, we'll need more of those unofficial readers to show up at the time of their choosing.

Now it's Wednesday morning here and we're getting ready to kick off a day of 26 hours of reading! Our biggest day yet.=) So all of you westerners--say a prayer for us before you head to bed!

At 9:31 PM, Blogger ann said...

Haha... LST is gonna looooove that. :)


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