Saturday, July 15, 2006

As long as anyone in Malaysia can remember, there have been no Christian missionaries from other countries coming to Malaysia for a long-term stay. Sure, there are groups like ours' that come on tourist visas for short-term projects, but those visas are only good for 90 days. For many years Christian missionaries were illegal in Malaysia, and today it is still next-to-impossible to get permission to come to Malaysia as a missionary. Although it is legal to preach Christianity, the Muslim-controlled government is determined to keep Christianity "under control." Ever since I arrived here, I marveled at the number of healthy Christian churches and ministries that seem to be flourishing here in spite of the absence of trained preachers and evangelists. Of course God can prosper His remnant anywhere He chooses, but who did He use to spark the flame in Malaysia? After last night, I have a much better understanding of this question.

Upon the insistence of some church members, we attended a memorial service for Vaughn Young (whom we have never met) last night. What an honor! Young was an engineer with a degree from Texas Tech who went into the oil business during the boom in Texas. I don't know all the circumstances of his career, but I know that as Malaysia increasingly became an Asian oil power in the 1970s, he was transferred to Kuala Lumpur by Exxon. Even though Christian missionaries were illegal in Malaysia back then, Christian oilmen (and their families) were not! And even though Vaughn Young was experiencing a successful career as an oilman, his highest calling was that of a Christian. He blessed and encouraged the church here immensely, including becoming a spiritual father to 2 of the leaders at Wangsa Maju (where we are working now.) I also learned that as Malaysia increasingly became more industrialized during the 1970s and 80s, dozens of Christians came to Malaysia to not only fulfull their role as businessmen and engineers, but more importantly to fulfill their role as vocational ministers. As I listened to the stories of these pioneers of Malaysian Christianity last night, I was very convicted. None of them were professionally trained in ministry or sponsored by a church in the U.S, but they all understood the importance of working for their Savior. And God used them to make all the difference! I was especially touched listening to our sister Nalini, who with tears rolling down her cheeks, told how Vaughn Young's family and the other "oil families" were a Godsend to her during the time that she was disassociating herself from a Brahmin Hindu family and becoming part of the Family of Faith.

Like Vaughn Young, I believe that each of us, because of our career or friends or circumstances, has been given the ability to reach a demographic or group of people that most cannot reach. Maybe you attend a public school or work in a politcally-correct workplace where outward expressions of Christianity are "against the rules." Maybe you're a member of a social club or a sports team where Christianity isn't especially popular. But the Holy Spirit will still be shining in you! How awesome that all of us are called to be ministers wherever we are!

Vaughn Young had been living in Texas for the last 20+ years (where he was a leader in Houston's inner-city Impact Church), but he had such a profound effect on the Christians in KL during his 8 years here that the KL Christians also gathered to celebrate his life and commitment to the church. Apparently the KL Christians were close to his heart even during his waning moments. During this same time, Christians in Houston (where it was still Friday morning) were gathering for the same purpose. Both gatherings ended with the singing of "Victory In Jesus."

O victory in Jesus
My Savior forever
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood
He loved me 'ere I knew Him
And all my love in due Him
He plunged me to victory
Beneath the cleansing flood


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Tessie said...

Hi, I'm trying to organize a mission trip in Malaysia and was wondering which organization you went with? Any tips/advice on planning a mission there?

At 10:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, Tessie. We went with under the organization of a group called "Let's Start Talking." You can read up on them at

At 3:41 AM, Blogger Anders Branderud said...

You wrote: “You wrote: “O victory in Jesus
My Savior forever
He sought me and bought me
With His redeeming blood
He loved me 'ere I knew Him
And all my love in due Him
He plunged me to victory
Beneath the cleansing flood”

I want to comment about foregiveness, which has implications for eternal life.
How to live in order to enable the Creator in His loving kindness to provide His foregivness is outlined in the Jewish Bible ; and was also taught by the first century Ribi Yehoshua from Nazareth (the Mashiakh; the Messiah). The Jewish Bible – for example Yekhëzqeil (Hezekiel) 18 – promises foregivness to those who do their sincerest to keep Torah.

The Creator cannot lie and He does not change (Malakhi 3:6)! According to Tehilim (“Psalms”) 103 the Creator gives his foregivness to those who do their sincerest to keep His berit (“covenant”; the pre-conditions to be included in the berit is according to the Jewish Bible to do ones sincerest to keep Torah).

You will find Ribi Yehoshuas teachings here:
Anders Branderud

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to malaysia God willing and I dont a church, affiliation or money to do my thing. I just need God, no matter what!

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Keith said...

Christianity came to Malaysia around 600 years ago. There are not only Churches in Malaysia, but also bishops and archbishops.

I am afraid we really do not need more missionaries here. If you want to help, I'd suggest you find out the issues first.

Currently, Christians are being oppressed by the Muslim majority. We need international support to highlight our plight.

We really do not need outsiders coming to our country to mess up the situation with ignorance.

At 5:55 PM, Blogger Keith said...

By the way. Evangelising to Muslims in Malaysia is against the law. The government has accused Malaysian Christians of trying to convert Muslims.

Please understand that if you come to Malaysia as missionaries, your actions will lead to the persecution of Christians in Malaysia.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Keith said...

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Can you tell me more about missions in Malaysia?


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