Thursday, June 15, 2006

This is Brad, not Loraine.

For my first post, I would just like to thank everyone who is supporting us and praying for us. Since we've arrived, I've come to see by the day how important our mission is. Not only is Wangsa Maju a new church actively seeking the lost, but we're the first LST team to work in Malaysia. On top of that, the church here has done some very time and money-consuming advertising for us. They sent teams walking around to recruit, made posters, distributed bookmarks, placed an ad, etc. It seems that everyone has pitched in. They don't know much about LST, but they are so excited about having us because of what they've heard in the Asia Mission Forum that we feel extra pressure to really let God have us and work through us. We're all hoping for great results, and with people stateside and in our church here who have put so much investment into this, the burden is heavy on our shoulders to do this perfectly. That will involve alot of serious humility, because we will have to be totally surrendered to God for him to work through us as powerfully as we hope for.

I would also like to add that the team dynamic is excellent. As we've backpacked together and spent about every minute together, we've grown closer in love and not gotten on each others' nerves (or if I'm on theirs, they're not telling me :)

More from me later. I have nothing but good things to say about the church members here, especially Steven Shee and his wife, who have taken care of us and shared good talks with us.



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